About Us

First of all, thank you for taking the time to learn about us, we are honored that you are considering Invest Business.

Invest Business is a business expansion platform which provides its users immediate answers to their most essential needs during either startup or development or handover of a business. This platform is managed by Invest Business Ltd, part of a London based business group.

Our mission is to create a hassle free as well as intermediary free cost-efficient professional business solutions. The ultimate goal is to facilitate and accelerate the realisation of all types of business projects* be it either for enterprises or financial institutions and licensed investors or public authorities.

Indeed, an entrepreneur, to start its activity, spends usually between six months and two years to find namely funding, appropriate business partners, location and available public funding, tenders or facilities for his business. These needs continue over the lifetime of an enterprise. Also, when an entrepreneur wants to withdraw from his company, it is challenging and time-consuming to find the right partner which will pursue the existing business.

Invest Business offers instantaneous solutions which address efficiently those and as well as other business needs. We aim to present entrepreneurs more relevant opportunities for their essential business requests than any other available channel existing nowadays. We conceived it that way.

In turn, we align the objectives of the entrepreneurs with the objectives of the financial institutions and public bodies in the way that their respective aspirations are better realised. Which permits them to accomplish together prodigious ideas.

Indeed, Invest Business offers the possibility to the financial institutions and licensed investors to present for free* their offer to entrepreneurs and, thereafter, select exactly those business requests which are of interest to them. In this manner, they can concentrate their energy on the right projects without wasting time and money on projects and businesses out of their scope.

Invest Business offers for free to the public authorities an outstanding digital tool to easily promote fundings, tenders and facilities they offer to businesses. It facilitates access to such information to the existing businesses in their jurisdictions. It also enhances the possibilities to attract new businesses thereto. Consequently, all public bodies using Invest Business increase the overall wellbeing in the jurisdictions they manage.

We strive to create new economic opportunities for your business while enabling you to keep full control as well as your freedom in this process. We are paving together the way for your business success.

* Conditions apply

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